Alixe in Tribeland
(too old to reply)
Academic Zodiac
2008-10-01 11:31:12 UTC
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


A report on modern tribal life

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


“My mind is a plastic bag”, blurts out Polystyrene of X-Ray Spex, an
original British punk band. Later on she is Hitler and ruler of the
supermarket; plastic dreams of authority in action, but before alien
dreams come true, she washes the plastic bag with her own tears. In
other words, she is lost in the supermarket, much like Genesis in
Selling England by the Pound. Pluto has crossed from the seventies'
Coma Berenices into Bootes for the eighties1, but supermarkets are
still there to dictate value while rearing the sheep.


In isolated countries at the end of the world, there is still joyful
connection between the visible and invisible worlds, as one is open to
oneself2 in eternal initiation. Recent authors like Carlos Castaneda
or Malidoma Patrice Somé,S3 have presented us with a world apart4 from


In a world where tickets buy temporary tribes, one is alienated
against oneself and lost lineage. As there is no flowing initiation,
the connection to one's purpose is lost. When purpose is lost, there
is death by the devil.


In a civilization lacking one's own spiritual heritage, any cult is
welcome as well as those not necessarily misunderstood. Theoretically
we are all one but not the same. As one strives to adopt the next
alien culture with a little help from a further alien culture, one
loses the little connection one had with his own. Mary Frances becomes
Samsaradevi and later on dancing hooping Shemsa. This spiritual
transformation creates a positive influence on tattooing business,
while benefiting the accessory vendors, which in turns moves the
samsara wheel towards western direction.


Orion is sometimes exemplified as rebel against God, especially
taurean god5. However it might be, this X-shaped constellation is
popular form Ireland to Guam. Orion is a zodiacal constellation in its
own right, as well as a subconscious ascendant for the epoch. It
hosted the Moon when the twin burning towers fell. The position of the
Moon in Orion for the WTC event was the same as the natal Moon of a
known terrorist, Xi 2 Orionis.


There be occasion in sacrificing to any subconscious ascendant6,
zodiacal station or constellation. Orion worship has been popular in
e.g. Ireland, when another people walked the land. Any constellation
that is mainly located under the ecliptic can be rightfully considered
chthonic. A remarkable nether constellation like Orion has rightfully
participated in complex astronomic calculations as well as cults of
the dead.


There are of course no modern tribes at any admission price. Orion is
forgotten, there is no true zodiac7 and people live in supermarkets as
ruled by modern Hitlers. In an atmosphere where ticket determines
membership, modern Babylon is celebrating Nimrud.


NASA is a welcome tribe of sincere scientists that make our life
better. The reformation of the zodiac would be almost impossible
without their HORIZONS integrator and helpful staff, to which is
addressed all our gratitude.


Scattered intelligence can be found all over the planet. These
individual intelligences, from South Africa to Australia, sometimes
have western8 and sometimes deep tribal roots. Some authors like
Carlos Castaneda or Malidoma Patrice Somé differently embody both


The flower power movement apparently did not move further from tribal
smoke within a safe enclosure as guarded with guns. Cancer sick pagan
Reiki masters are the apex of evolution, with their crumbled walls
painted with Indian culture. The flower power generation is protected
by the very forces they were allegedly fighting against.


A belly-oriented civilization dances like Kali on the navel of the
world9. Babylon fell to be trampled upon by barbarians. Not sure if
Hitler drunk vodka in his refuge.


A well meant as well foundation decided to experiment with humans.
They were interested in the possibility of introducing new, genuine
and liberating ideas. The result? Slaves bite. This is like stopping
the car while approaching a nice dogie on foot, with a tasty piece of
smoked bacon, along with friendly attitude; with the result of being
bitten by what later results as chupacabra10. The advice to the
missionary is: stay in your Bugatti Veyron. Wave to the crowd11. A
noblewoman that we call Alixe is the archetype of this absurd axiom.
In order to help the crowd, do not approach it12.


How does one help the crowd? The crowd hardly assembles itself in want
of help, but when in dire and providing free cure, they will amass.
They will bite later, generally meaning as soon as possible. The crowd
trusts nobody13 and is thus absurdly easy to manipulate. It has no
purpose. Jesus used to say his say, cure to left and right, and
disappear while anticipating those who sought to kill him with


In an environment without purpose, one seeks the purpose of the mob.
How can a mob have purpose when the individual has none? In order to
achieve purpose, for the few who perceive this archetypal need, tribes
are formed on the basis of an original but imported structure. An
alien monk albeit initiated in a Thibetan order will communicate to
the people of the county he was born in exactly as if he were never
initiated at all. The result is that there is no import. Much as
whatever message was sure to be misunderstood at first contact, now
when it is sort of adapted, it vanished. This points to a closed
structure impenetrable for any culture, including one's own.


A people can not be easily made by stacking all kinds of everything
together. Coherence is achieved through years. Things like typical or
national are touristic destinations. You can find them in Venice14,
Mexico or Cuba. It is hard to determine whatever typical feature in an
disorderly mixture. Thus the tourists packed on a ferry do not make

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or
Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by
Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16 Eastern Ascednants
2008-10-09 15:31:55 UTC
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


Mat 18:2 And Jesus having called a little child to him , set it in
their midst,
Mat 18:3 and said, Verily I say to you, Unless ye are converted and
become as little children, ye will not at all enter into the kingdom
of the heavens.

The following paragraph of LIBER THOTH V has been arranged for the one
who seeks and waits and shall overcome in the dark Age of Cetus III.

Who s the Child? He did not sin1. She is the Light n the Sky,
enlightenment of the Dragon.
Does the Child have anything to do with the present Antichrist and
Apocalypse? No.
At the arrival of the Child there wil be no Venus to enter Hydra, no
Venus and no Hydra.
Who knows abut the Child? The “followers” of Shiva should know.
What are the astrological portents of the Child? Albeit published, the
skies will change2.
When is He approaching? The time is set beyond Uranus in Cetus and
Did Crowley know about the Child and the One who was sent before Her?
Did Crowley know about the Second Scribe. No, but he cashed on it.
Who is the Third Scribe? He is comparatively unimportant.
Crowley was under the spell of Hydra, his natal zodiacal ascendant3.
Did the Second Scribe know? He knew the date, 650 years ahead in “re-


2Ch 36:22 And in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the
word of Jehovah by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished,
Jehovah stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, and he made a
proclamation throughout his kingdom, and also in writing, saying,
2Ch 36:23 Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the
earth has Jehovah the God of the heavens given to me, and he has
charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
Whosoever there is among you of all his people, Jehovah his God be
with him, and let him go up.

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


The star rising at east at birth is the angel guardian. One can have
this star in 16 constellations at this epoch, since 16 rise at east.
This star can even mark the border between three constellations, such
as in the Author's case who has the guardian angel star at the meeting
point of Monoceros4, Canis Minor and Hydra5. Thus the angel guardian
star is determined by the eastern horizon.


Alice has been born on Aug 4th 2004 with Moon rising in Cetus6,
Mercury in Sextans7 and Venus in Orion at the Stargate8. She has Juno
in Scutum9 and Pluto in Serpens Cauda, the ascendant10 of the U.S.A.11
This diligent child is vital for the U.S.A., but her parents did not
know it before the astral scan has been made for the child.


The set of eastern constellations is changing due to precession, thus
we have the age of the brave and the age of the coward12. Versatile
ages make for diversity while our uniform age hardly boasts much
ascendants at all. The greater the number of ascendants at east, the
healthier the age.

At the time when Crater was ascending over the eastern horizon, Grail
pursuit had its start. At the time of King Arthur, Aries was ascending
at east, thus producing chivalry and ramming castle doors. As nowadays
nobody is born with Aries ascendant, there are no more heroes any


A child when born13 possess true mind only, as no parasite psyche is
upon them. The ritual of baptism is performed in order to protect true
mind from psyche, the diabolic parasite that tortures and kills on
behalf of the devil.


The Lord GOD clearly banishes unprecessed astrology as dangerous. The
Creator informs us of CINGVLA ORIONIS as hint to which branch of the
galaxy He created us into. Clearly the Chaldean knew nothing of the
precession of the ascendant, a dangerous legacy kept to this day to
the detriment of children. Children naively believe that there is an
Aries ascendant at this epoch, also Scorpius or Capricornus. Neither
of the mentioned constellations rise at due east at this epoch.

12/12 MOB

The mob never observed the sky as false ego is occupied with trivia.
The sky is not in the shopping screen, neither in asinine programs
displaying 12 signs that absurdly serve as ascendants. The mob elected
their marketplace diviners who in turn “decided” that the sky was
fixed for the moment they bribed the eunuch to smuggle the ephemerides
out of the temple. Thus any observation record was treated as eternal
truth, much as “astrologers” who peruse 12 ascendants do to this day.
In this way “astrology” denies the very sky over our heads along with
precession, guardian angel and age of reason. “Astrologers” like
Nostradamus, Kepler or Ptolemy are the sons of marketplace diviners.
The damage made is immense, as the child never learns to meditate
towards his lucky star, the guardian angel. It is perhaps not widely
known that stars are angels and vice versa. The main 360 guardian
angels are well-documented, classified and interviewed through
theurgy. Thuis Elipinon was active during the recent U.S.A. bailout,
but another counter-demon from Hydra provoked the subprime mortgage
crisis and WW3 decade.


The NASA ephemerides show only 13 zodiacal positions for the Sun out
of 22, but there are in fact 15 positions that include Cetus and
Orion, especially Orion for historical and galactic reasons that need
no commentary. Sai Baba is born on November 23rd with Sun in Libra.
The Sun sends a week in Scorpius before plunging into Ophiuchus, its
central station.


We live in an uniform, unisex and unimind epoch, where there is less
versatility and beauty than in the precedent epochs. The mob knows
less of the zodiac than any mob 5000 years ago, when priests observed
the horizon. Our priests surely do not observe the horizon, albeit the
Lord *GOD* hints at observation. At the time of Delphi, Delphinus was
the favorite ascendant of the priests. Just an epoch ago, we had Venus
rising in Pegasus over the eastern horizon. Such a beauty!


The child is born innocent, that is true-minded as completely unaware
of psyche, the devil and sins of “his parents”. Mirror neurons make
for empathy and imitation, but true mind remains the same, apart and
aloof from psyche, persona and crooked ascendant.

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or
Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


WW3 and bailouts in the decade ahead

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Programmed to unite towards war. The masons have to explain why
allegedly their holy war is our own, so thy have sent Palin. Nobody
would suspect, but some would inspect. There is much Christian prayer
going on in Africa and agaist the pagan. Villages are cleared out.
There is no prostitution, criminality or booze. Prayer works out in
Africa. The idea to unite the nation at first, in a favorable time
with common concern, then send them to war. Later on we shall hear
oppositions, temporary alliances with the abominable, motherly care
for the American marriage model and even tales of real exorcism. We
shall have real opposition, a stronghold for people's rights, but not
without war. That is short are the people behind Palin, wherever she
is, her program, her mind.


There are special election asteroids14 that adorn every election
campaign, most prominently 2000 PH5, but our purpose15 in this article
is to entertain the population in midst of doubt, stress and bailouts,
that, by the way, will never return to their owners, the working


If Palin wages war, then Hillary goes nuclear for sure. This is a
dangerous woman to have in power, as she will take no prisoners. It is
impossible for her to retreat, once war is declared. No lawyer shall
convince her and no force, whether demoniac or angelic, shall be able
to balance her out of her fatal decisions. This is the one who hits
the red button.


Enter the dragon17 and the money is gone. There is no knowing where,
but it will not return at all. Someone will suggest war, most
prominently Palin18, and there you have it: a war lost and decade of
misery for the planet. Dangerous women, dangerous masonic wars and who
is to pay is as always the peasant.


Our favorite hit across his nose but saving national resources for the
opposition. After all, the ex Fed was just a private venue. Whatever
Ron Paul is about it is money. Money is safe with him as he has a
winning horoscope and truly cares for national welfare at the cost of
being called rebel. He surely is one, as subject harsh attacks from
opponents, even physical threat and accidental accidents in transport


While the peasant sometimes served as foot soldier, it was nobility
that went to war. Much as in Krishna's times, the various barons waged
war. The priests were supposed to pray to God, albeit in India they
could engineer spacecraft as well, most prominently mantra-driven
vimanas. Mordred served as druid warrior against Christian Kings. Now
the equivalent of sacred warlords are the NASA masterminds. In better
times, the U.S.A. Would train their astronauts at home. Nowadays our
boys practice with Alyosha.


If one bad thing about Hillary is that she never finishes what she
starts, properly, then Obama might be one. As you are already
bombarded by opinions of people who can not even calculate their own
horoscopes, this one is for fun. We have already published on Obama
with sad results. His horoscope is simply ambidextrous and weak.


Presidential duties are simply too much for Obama even at the apex of
his sincerity. He would be well advised to reinforce his supporters in
the senate and make no further move, that is we would have a sincere
positionist, when it is time to move. Ron Paul knows that it is time
to settle debts and keep reserves intact, as new bailouts are boiund
to push the country into war.


There is not much that we know about Palin. She apparently knows how
to aim. She hates the agan. She has excellent masonic background19. We
know that the bailout is for foreign investors but we don't know why.
Is China bribed in order to support the next war? Why were the three
wars decided already 200 years ago and to what purpose?


The messiah of Jahveh20 has been given dominion over all of the
planet. The Bible states that Cyrus has been handed the known world
into his own hands. Being monotheistic and knowing the portents, he
liberated the reluctant Hebrew from the hands of Babylonia. The Hebrew
people enjoyed Babylon as they had wives, children, land and riches.
They were reluctant to leave for Jerusalem, where Cyrus ordered the
rebuilding of the Temple. It took a prophet in order to assemble to
few who would march towards a baren land, to build the Temple and city
in pain, when they could enjoy their stay in Babylon.


Israel has very little real Hebrew people. These ortodox Jews would
never even think of attacking Persia or Iran, the new name for an old
empire. Sp who is to attack Persia and why? Someone hiding behind the
holy war, of course. Someone hiding behind religion and allegiance. No
Hebrew would even think of attacking the land of King Cyrus the Great,
the one who brought freedom from Babylon. Now about those who were not
enthusiastic masons at one time. There voices of followers of the
Baptist in Iraq, but what abut Iran? Surely there should be traces of
Hebrew people that loved to stay with King Cyrus and the rivers of

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or
Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


The editions we personally love most are enlisted as follow.

http://www.lulu.com/content/471330 Wishwheel

http://www.lulu.com/content/734613 Marriage Rendering Tools

http://www.lulu.com/content/816715 Love & Money

http://www.lulu.com/content/1850366 16 Ascendants for Professional

http://www.lulu.com/content/652589 Planetocentric Astrology

http://www.lulu.com/content/826468 O5IRIS

http://www.lulu.com/content/4412773 Horus

http://www.lulu.com/content/1829781 Uranus in Cetus


There has been much experimentation along with delineation of the
minute class of asteroids. The historical Apoheles and earth co-
orbital asteroids are in great use in financial and election
astrology, as applying to the present presidential elections in the
U.S.A. Every dwarf planet has been delineated with H < 5, thus Eris,
Sedna, Quaoar and many others have first found their delineation on
our site. The 22 constellations of the true zodiac along with the 16
precessed ascendants for the epoch enliven through directing
techniques such as the secondary angular directions, most prominently
in Eris in Secondary Direction.


Zodiacal reformation happened in half an hour, still there were many
adjustments later. Te first zodiac sets included Pluto, thus extra
constellations were treated as zodiacal, most prominently Coma
Berenices and Bootes. The historical zodiac is presently referred to
as P Zodiac. As astrologers probably still think that Pluto is a
planet, they adopt the P Zodiac as official. This means dealing with
almost 30 P-Zodiacal constellations, a glorious first step towards
incipient astrological calculus. Pluto in Serpens Cauda means that
Pluto is transiting the ascendant of the U.S.A., that is Serpens
Cauda. Pluto ascending in Eridanus means hovering above the WMAP cold
spot, thus the hole in the sky, as aligned with the Axis of Evil. The
seventies had Pluto in Coma Berenices, while the eighties shared Pluto
in Bootes. The P Zodiac is thus the expanded, but also historical
Academic Zodiac.


LILIT VERA has been variously called Riccioli or Cassini Lilith, in
honor of the brave scientists who observed this peculiar object. LILIT
VERA was also observed in Germany and Switzerland. While we offer a
full interpretation of this object by direction, aspect, house and
zodiacal sign. LILIT VERA worked for us in directions and hoary


Whether I Ching has been coded for our solar system or the Nibiru
moons, it can nevertheless be used in direction. Astrological
directions as made with the I Ching Aspectarian are a precise and
colorful alternative to the boring and repetitious routine
delineations as found in standard astrological manuals. With the I
Ching Aspectarian, your future is not only precisely predicted, but
also colorful with multi-futurity. The I Ching Aspectarian seamlessly
integrates into your RTRRT training, in that the initiate discreates
the bad moving line in one's personal futurity, while changing it at
will. Our initiates not only predict any future with minute precision,
easily and in seconds, but are also able to change any future at will
and at any time, and that with express mobility. The RTRRT initiate
can predict and create futurities for anyone while walking the street
or in an informal chat. RTRRT are discrete, invisible and yet they
perform in real time so as to become natural in your daily life. The I
Ching Aspectarian was written and partially disclosed as complete
divination system, as integrating the Sabian Symbols, 360 theurgic
angel guardians, the Tarot and literally any system that has been
written since time immemorial, Academic Zodiac including, with its
local 22/16 schemata.

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or
Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

ASTROLOGY 1992 – 2012

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Scientific astrology has greatly prospered since its birth in the year
1992i. Its major achievements is the Academic Zodiac, precession of
the ascendant set and universal Cartesian house system. The zodiac has
22 constellations, with a changing ascendant set as currently
consisting in 16 constellations. One can change personal future at
willii. The publications are mainly intimated in reverse chronology.

Makemake and Haumea updated. Haumea enters Bootes. Bailout.
Iah congregation of planets. Spica Virginis bracketed. The fool's
aspect. Bailout.
A decade of economic decay, war lost and “socialistic capitalism”.
2008 KV42 full delineation published in the 12 houses.
D zodiac defined. The first vampire zodiac. Cross grid with X zodiac.
Pavo and Retuculum.
2008 KV42 Drac delineated along with Buffyiii. Vampires in
astrologyiv. Outer guardians update.
Horoscope for the Moon impact. Faustini-centric horoscope for the
first impactv.
Tony Colaprete delays mission. Muddled results predicted. Islamic
world alarmedvi.
Petition to Anthony Colaprete of NASA. Islamic apocalypse.
'50 Moon nuke conspiracy disclosed. LCROSS mission swapped.
2009 Moon scheduled for double impact. Faustini crater.
2005 FY9 named as Makemake. 2003 EL61 becomes Haumea.
Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.67
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2001 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2003 2003 UB313 Eris -1.24
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.48
Pluto is redefined as plutoid within the historical P Zodiac.
A minor update for ex pseudo-classes of Earth co-orbitals, Apoheles
and Outer Guardians.
The Earth umbra is determined by house and major conjunctions, “Earth
in the horoscope”.
The Stargates have been aligned with supervoids along the Axis of
The Bootes supervoid receives major status within the Axis of Evil.
The WMAP cold spot in Eridanus is paired with the Bootes supervoid.
The Axis of Evil has been determined as standard axis for every
Chinese Olympics with bad omens from Vesta, 2002 AW197, Orcus, Jupiter
and Saturn.
The 2006 – 2012 subprime mortgage crisis has been determined against
the fall of the Fed.
2014 reestablished as focal year for the world crisisvii and Christian
Further global economic crisis announced for the year 2008.
Subprime mortgage crisis happens as predicted by 2002 AW197. Black
A special study is published concerning centaurs in the constellations
of Centaurus and Lupus.
Centauress nymph Chariklo has been associated with the discovery of
alien life.
The ring of life has been announced in the constellation of
Alien life may be present on Titan as well as reddish centaurs and
Witchållowviii determines the date of the Armageddon according to
military analysis.
Witchållowix has been directedx, assuming full role in astrological
Witchållowxii receives its delineation in the 12 housesxiii (Night &
Day house system).
The WMAP cold spot is ascending in Eridanus. Witchållow introduced to
World economic crisis with 2002 AW197 in Hydra. Subprime mortgage
Venus enters Hydraxiv with Jupiter in Ophiuchusxv, announcing the
Mercury in Orionxvi follows Mars in Cetus in the year 2007.
The One who Comes is determined in 650 years. Age of Aquarius after
Cetus III.
All dwarf planetsxvii with to H < 5 were delineated for the benefit of
future astrologers.
The academic zodiac was introduced in August 2006 having 22 IAU
Eris receives copious delineationxviii since its appearance as
“Xena” (2003 UB313).
The X Zodiacxix has been published on August 1st 2005 along with 2003
2005 FY9, 2003 EL61, Orcus, Quaoar, Sedna, 2002 AW197 and Ixion
Transneptunian Astrology upgrade. H < 4 with Eris in the 12 houses.
The P Zodiac is valid conclusively with August 2006 as official
Academic Zodiac.
The planetocentric systemsxx receive their local zodiacs and ascendant
Transneptunes in Enochain Aethyrs. Web awards. I Ching Aspectarian
Eris displaced Pluto on the expanded Tree of Life. AIN SOPH redefined.
Reality rendering becomes standard occult procedure. Instant magick
for everyone.
The Personal Cosmic Secretary joined the RTRRT.
The “outer guardians” have been delineated within the Nibiru Research
All centaurs; SDO, cubewano, plutino, KBO; Apoheles & Earth coorbitals
The Moon and Mercury received their zodiacal definitionxxi.
Lunar, Mercurial and Venusian zodiacs. Martial zodiac. 13th Iovial
Venus delineated through the 21 constellationsxxii.
The 17 dark planets with further purport. Lamia or Nemesis prominent.
The Changes have been directed within the “I Ching Aspectarian”xxiii.
Cassini Lilithxxiv, the observed darkmoon, delineation & elements
All centaur objectsxxv were delineated as discoveredxxvi.
The scientific zodiac and set of current ascendants has been re-
The ascendant of the U.S.A. has been determined as Serpens Caudaxxvii.
There are nearly 30 zodiacal constellationsxxviii. The birth of the N
Fed determiend with Phoenix constellation. The Da Vincy cycle.
The set of meridian constellationsxxix was delineated for use in
financial astrology.
Planetocentric experiments. Eros, comets, Phobos. NASA JPL HORIZONS.
Detailed scanning of the Earth zodiac and local zodiac. Cruithne
The zodiac and ascendant set reformed in the famous half an hour.
The academic zodiac research starts with Moon in Sextans.
The reformation of Egyptian astrology. Early Egyptian synastry
The ascendants determined fr the first dynasty. The precession of the
The set of ascendants for the current epochxxx determined as 16 IAU
The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools were introduced as personal
instant magick.
1992 QB1xxxi and centaur objectsxxxii Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus were
The end of sidereal and tropical astrology. Vedic astrology upgrade
with awards.
The ephemeris for the sunxxxiii was determined according to IAU

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or
Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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2Ch 36:23
Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth has
Jehovah the God of the heavens given to me, and he has charged me to
build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whosoever there is
among you of all his people, Jehovah his God be with him, and let him
go up.

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Mat 18:3 and said, Verily I say to you, Unless ye are converted and
as little children, ye will not at all enter into the kingdom of the


Reality rendering aims at planetary clearing. Often smugged as mere
instant magick, the system in fact acts as planetary exorcism, as
including the first zodiac sent from God, the Academic Zodiac. An
initiate is one who has set a path or plan as inspired from God, thus
overcoming crisis towards total clearing. There is no crisis in fact,
since the only thing that has crisis is the decomposing psyche, an
instrument of the devil and thus obsolete.

2008 KV42

Do you remember Buffy? Buffy was our first vampire, and now we have
Drac, the backward sliding spider of the universe. This distant object
visits the polar regions like Eris, but with a different choice of
constellations, angle and spin. It is clear to all that 2008 KV 42
will change the face of astronomy as we knew it as it postulates the
origin of comets. 2008 KV42 Drac has a taste for eccentric
constellations like Reticulum, but fits perfectly well for Obama in
Scorpius, just under Ophiuchus. Now Hercules might not be the most
popular astrological position as many feel little comfort in assuming
that there is a real sky, besides simple marketplace superstition,
such as in the astrology of the 12 signs.

2008 KV42 IN LOVE

The delineation of Drac 2008 KV42 contains many allusions to love as
it partly confirms to the following. The 11th house is the house of
true love and thus marriage, the 7th house is of enemies and the 5th
of mere lust. 2008 KV42 Drac feels at home in the first house, but its
optimal marriage position is 10th. Why so? Remember the first
rudimentary delineations? Authority smashes the vase but also brings
PAX IN HOMVM. The 10th house is south (not the M.C.) and thus
sometimes associated with winter solstice and erection., thus


Truth is danger in a world of lies where people cache on people to
make image and cash. cash and carry your false ego towards false
success. Thus little people whose attributes we all know invented
themselves as someone by receiving support from little people in
power. There is time for little people to occupy places that the great
ones left.

Systems that you trust most have the most of you, thus in applying
RTRRT, your false ego had to drop off along with psyche and everything
as one can not be free while keeping the fetters. Initiates who have
been told this or that now know the truth and enjoy it.


No one will take one grain of pleasure from me. The eastern star is
not mere grain as it represents the guardian angel. It is the guardian
angel. This star has been taken from you by the devil and small men.
The average will applaud the asinine, naively thinking that they do
their best. To applaud is to upload to astral domain. What you upload
is what you download. Do not applaud the asinine. The apex of asinine
stupidity is surely tropical astrology where you get TWO SIGNS OF
ERROR. The best is that they think they have one sign of error and
learn to live with it. They learn to live with many other ear-growing
substances. In Woz's own words “People buy everything.”


It is easy if you try. The eastern star is your star, the guardian
angel. It is presently located in one of the 16 rising constellations.
It must be yours at any cost. If you can not afford any other way to
learn about it, mail zicklaudio (at) gmail.com so perhaps we can
arrange something. Be it noted that this star was not even noted to
initiates like Stajnar and Frabato.


Instinctively, Alister Crowley, who has Hydra ascending in his
horoscope, perused his own natal star in invoking an entity in Cairo.
As some stars are inclined to what we call evil, the results were
probably not very happy at all, to put it mildly.


The zodiacal problem has been successfully resolved some years ago.
The research did not take long as it takes minutes to scan for
ascendants and zodiac, but the elaboration took years. Anyone can look
at the sky and find the true stars but superstition is by definition
against truth. If someone says that you are “Scorpio”, doubt it as you
might as well be Virgo instead. Remember that there are TWO SIGNS OF
ERROR. The asinine advocates of tropical astrology can not possibly
know what they are doing, right. You do not want your life and person
to be contaminated with utter stupidity. Take care to avoid any
“sidereal” nonsensei, since it is mere mockery as based on tropical
nonsense. If they tell you your ascendant is “Capricorn”, be sure to
inspect if Pisces were rising at east. Two signs of error become three
signs of error as Spica Virginis is shifting from home Virgo into what
they call “Scorpio” and Sagittarius. You do not want your Virgo to be
full of stars pertaining to Cancer or whatever. As shown above, they
do not even know how to spell the names of the constellations
properly, so the message is clear. Once upon the time 50000 years ago
astronomy was in the hands of initiates, then gradually everybody
became astrologer. Already at the times of Hipparchus, superstition
ruled astronomic quarters. He did what he could but even to this day
astronomers secretly foster unoffensive superstition. If somebody
would tell me that my Antares Sun is in Capricorn, I would laugh at
his face with serene mirth. I know where Antares is. Sai Baba's own
Sun is in Libra on November 23rd. Now Libra and Sagittarius are
separated by Scorpius and Ophiuchus, so this is already a THREE SIGN


Assume true identity according to the true guardian star at east. If
someone disagrees, let them live their own lies. They have nothing
else. We can not save everyone and surely do not want a traitor to
rock the boat. Leave them ashore for their own doom to come. We are
only 144000 in number and must take care of ourselves. There has been
only 5 astrologers on the planet since Enoch, so forget about them
losers and enjoy every grain of pleasure that true initiation


The following are mostly replies to initiates, as concern RTRRT and
the Academic Zodiac. Albeit scattered in topic, the replies clear
important points as concern planetary clearing.

In doubt, always stick to the Bible. We use Darby Bible.
Democracy is from the devil as equal rights to sinners and saints is a
Equal rights to sinners is from the devil who wants to corrupt all.
Binary demoncracy will attack monotheism.
The devil will use binary mind and promote psyche adoration.
The asinine will “study the psyche” and thus climb in devil's
The saint will drop the psyche like a snake loses its skin.
The asinine will think that he thinks his own thoughts.
He who thinks that he thinks his own thoughts is dangerous since it is
the devil that does the thinking. Such a person will do the devil's
The devil will try to deny that there is such a thing as devil, but
the Bible is true.
Orion is one of the central stations of the zodiac, as the LORD
pointed to the Stargate.
Nobody has a horoscope or natal chart done. While it is better not to
have it at all, we nevertheless advocate scientific approach.
Due to gross error and miscalculation, the horoscope as made by
popular astrology for the masses is reflecting another person. There
is great difference between the real sky and false horoscope which
reflect true mind and false ego.
The devil is not very good at mathematics. If you were born with sun
in Virgo and Pisces ascendant, you will be probably told you are
“Scorpio” with “Capricorn” ascendant. This is very twisted but so is
the psyche that is programmed to believe in everything the devil
It is very reliable to assume that astronomers and astrologers in the
past 3000 years mostly had no idea of the position of their own natal
The sun is in Libra on November 23rd, Sai Baba's birthday. So far for
the avatar of truth, any false zodiac would estimate him as Scorpius
or even Sagittarius, which he surely is not. There is almost a quarter
sky between erroneous and correct stars. Scorpius comes after Libra,
then Ophiuchus and only then the stargate of hell in Sagittarius.
Sai Baba is not officially recognised as Jesus Christ in His Second
Coming. This is to state that we are still waiting for Jesus. Jesus is
to come soon as the omens clearly indicate on earth and in heavens.
Any speculations as concern year 2009 or 2011 are what it says:
speculations. Our purpose is to install astronomy in the place of
superstition in order to exorcise the devil, however, there are flaws
to this plan, as prediction is not encouraged.
The new skies will unroll back the old ones. It is thus obsolete to
study the skies at this time. We published an informative zodiac,
knowing that the time is up.
The sun spends only a week in Scorpius, but over 40 days in Virgo. It
isin Sagittarius for Ney Year holidays.
There is no special planetary clearing right now that we would tackle.
Clearing begins at the moment one denies the psyche any rulership over
one's being; in other words, one makes the decision to follow the path
of true mind.
The path to true mind can be hardly followed without due religion,
since one needs a solid goal and support. This path is more like God
paying a visit than Little Red Hood venturing into the woods, but
there are woods and dangers as one is bound to meet the horny one.
One sets forth to meet God as God sets forth to meet him. The son
returns home.
True mind is nothing else but will of God, thus already removing the
psyche by non-thinking is being closer to God.
It is impossible to separate the RTRRT from true religion, albeit no
special rituals are prescribed or even encouraged.
The Personal Cosmic Secretary is not a being or even succubus. As
quoted over and over it is a thin interface to God.
The form of the interface is unimportant and better invisible or as
“thin” as possible. We do not worship the interface.
The Academic Zodiac has a precise set of constellation that coincide
to the number of the Hebrew letters. Divination is too easy to be
encouraged or legal, but at least we finally have a proper zodiac as
sent from “God & NASA”.
God will usually send the omen “what to do” in dream. The more one
progresses on the path, the clearer are the signs along the shiny
The former zodiacs were fabricated by the devil, while naively assumed
that the skies do not rotate at all. These astrological systems have a
foxed set of non-eastern ascendants, sometimes 12. These ascendants
are made to coincide with some of the zodiacal stations of the sun.
The so-called sidereal astrology was never sidereal at all, as it
never paid any attention to the real sky. This has been corrected,
thus we are not sidereal astrology or its derivate. Our studies never
encompassed any superstitious books about “sidereal astrology”.
Vedic astrology is complex. Surely the system needs an upgrade, but
someone may want to keep it traditional. There will be difficulties in
aligning true sky with Vedic projections, but for now we leave it to
Indian astronomers to figure out within the sphere of their own
tradition. Conviction must be unshakeable as concern tradition, in
The LORD did not encourage astrology. Here is our tentative
interpretation. The LORD knew that Chaldean astrology dabbled with a
speculative system as based on the fixed sky. The ascendants never
changed, which was convenient for short term predictions. The LORD did
not approve of this.
Unluckily, even Hipparchus failed to correct the ascendant set for
precession, since he was not interested in astrology; and Ptolemy
surely never observed the real skies. As soon as observation was left
to chance, we had superstition flourishing to this day. People
massively assume wrong sun sign and ascendant. The best part is that
they know it and yet keep on wearing wrong personality. Life is so
full of lies that wrong personality is default.
What is the issue? Drugged, cancerogene pagan Reiki masters are
protected by the law. The same generation who advocated love and
freedom fosters the use of the military in protecting their foul
system from the faithful. Thus religious countries like Iraq and Iran
must disappear according to the hippies. It was peace and love when it
suits them not to fight in Vietnam, but now the real face of the
hippies shows.
The reward for following the commands of the devil is death.
A whole degeneration tried to combine free sex, any sex, free drugs,
any drug, any religion, colorful cakras on the wall, with any belief
system. We are intoxicated by too much belief. The room is crowded
with saints, but in the center stands the confused freak and smokes.
The only things that an allegedly spiritual generation was really
interested in was free sex, free drugs and salvation by the devil. A
drugged, sick and tired pagan can not pretend to obtain salvation.
Being drugged, pagan, Reiki master and follower of Crowley is perhaps
nearer to Satanism than true religion. If the devil ever promised any
salavation, then it is this kind of reward that you get.
The 144000 is a definite number. The Revelation was known before it
was written.
There are passages from the Bible that elaborate on times before
Sexuality has in fact nothing to do with the devil who surely did not
create it.
The path is not easy but persistence pays off. Surely lot of things
will fall off, like friends, bad habits or routines. This is your old
psyche, false ego and devil's schedule falling off, not you. You
emerge from these ruins.
The Name of the LORD can be visualised. We trust that initiates will
receive the Name according to the will of the LORD.
The tarot initiations that we mentioned have nothing to do with tarot
cards. There are three initiations available. There might be a fourth
initiation available but that is immaterial. As one has to dedicate a
lifetime of effort to these initiations, it would be futile to go
further in their descriptions, however, here are a few hints for RTRRT
The first initiation is represented by the tarot atout magus. It is a
lengthy and well organized study that commences with the absence of
thoughts, in other words, this initiation system begins with the crown
of achievements in Zen.
The second initiation is partly appealing to true astrologers. This
the Isis initiation in theurgy. Since no steps can be skipped, our
estimation is that one arrives at second initiation after 40 years of
hard work. Especially talented few have spent a couple of years only
in the first initiation, but firsthand data are no readily available.
In other words this is no fun at all. One will meet no pentagrams,
foul grimoires and asinine “magick spells”. This is true magick.
The third tarot initiation is cabala. This has absolutely nothing to
do with fancy tree of life or anything that e.g. Crowley wrote.
Crowley was of course not initiated into this system at all.
We are not inclined towards walking hand in hand with spirits, as the
LORD forbade magick for good reasons, however, if magick as you
practice it makes you feel close to God, it might as well be that you
are on the religious path.
There are two guardian spirits on planetary level that bear the names
that resemble Lilith and her consort, however that pertains to the
second tarot initiation and is thus quite out of hand from any
incipient magus.
Whatever your practice, make it as simple as possible. There is no
interface, there is only love of GOD.
Towards is in fact the other way around as it is perhaps the LORD who
walks towards you, so do not be afraid and keep the faith.
The enemies are visible and invisible, as often camouflaged in fellow
citizens, decent neighbors and even the ecclesiastic. Keep to the
Bible. We suggest Darby.
Many will try to shake the faith. These are not convinced in their own
since they do not have it and shall never walk with the LORD.
As one can not possibly go wrong in simple faith, we recommend simple
love towards the LORD. Do not try to figure out how the LORD looks
Nobody has seen the LORD.
As of August 2008 we no longer make free horoscopes. We no longer heal
Reiki masters for free. If some initiates be looked upon with
sympathy, then arrangements can be made in the direction of further
initiation personal assistance. This purport is precisely such an
Lilith can be viewed as personal devil, as especially active during
early childhood, when she sucks young energy. Baptism was designated
for this purpose. 1111 is a talisman.
Every Lilith cult can be viewed with contempt. It is sad what people
will do for “love”. Sympathy for the devil is the sign of lack of
The RTRRT are not black magick, as they are closer to silent intent
and genuine prayer than asinine ritual.
The RTRRT are based on what we learnt through years as Ramakrishna
school initiates. The basic techniques are known as Neti Neti and O5.
O5 or Oberon 5 kept its working name. It is a Thibetan formula that we
have been working on. There coexist more than 50 versions of O5. In
the RTRRT series we strived towards simplicity.
The PCS needs a year to install. The path may be covered with tears
and temptations and the worse the temptation, the better it gets. One
must lose al illusion, not just partial.
Yoga is losing. One loses the psyche as true mind resurfaces to
freedom and triumph. One can not serve two masters.

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or
Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,
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